Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Lush Bath Bombs

Being at home over easter meant that I could have a bath. Aaaaaahhh I love a nice, hot, relaxing bath. Don't worry, I do wash regularly hahaa but while I am in Southampton I have to make do with just having a shower (our bathtub is quite skanky). Now, don't get me wrong, showers are great, but there is nothing quite like a bubble bath at the end of the day.

To really indulge while I was at home I went and bought my first ever Lush bath bombs! How is it that I've managed to reach the age of 20 without buying a Lush bath bomb?!
The first one I used was the little pink one, a Mmmelting Marshmallow Moment. Oooooh it was so nice! It doesn't look like much but it smelt like candy floss and made the bath all pink. This one was actually a bath melt, not a bath bomb, and has cocoa butter which meant it was soooo moisturizing and good for my skin. I was all soft and smooth when I got out!
It fizzed away in my bath for such a long time, I felt like I could have cut it in half and still had an amazing bath. But, alas, I only thought of this half way through so could only get one use out of it. But it was such a nice product and I will defo get one again.

The other one I bought was the Dragon's Egg. It was colossal! It looked like a pretty bog standard bath bomb on the outside, but inside it was all orange and turned the bath the same colour!! It fizzed everywhere and I defo didn't need to use all of it in one bath! I could have got at least four baths with it! But, like I said, I'm a Lush newbie, so how was I supposed to know!?
It had a really lovely citrusy scent that made the bathroom smell amazing! It also had a bit of popping candy in it which I didn't know, so I was sitting in the bath really confused, thinking that the bathroom was slowly falling apart. This was such a fun product to use, but there are so many other bath bombs to try that I think I'll hold of buying another of these before I've tried all the rest!

So it turns out I love Lush products and I'm kicking myself that I've never used them before. Although I find some of their products a little pricey, I will defo buy some more stuff to treat myself to a lovely bath every now and again!

What's your favourite Lush bath bomb?

Love, Becca xxx

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