Today has been a rubbish day.
*This is going to be a very moany post, so be prepared*
I had a lovely day yesterday with Will, seeing a show up in the West End which meant a late night. But today I had an early start today as I had to go to work. *Waaaahhhh*
As I had stayed at Will's house, I had to take my work uniform to his house the day before. But silly Becca forgot to pack socks. I had to text my Auntie in a panic this morning asking her to bring a pair of black socks to work with her! How embarrassing.
So I was up early and had to spend hours and hours in the chilled isle reducing food going out of date today, getting colder and colder and grumpier and grumpier. Two things I hate the most are being tired and being grumpy, and at this point, I was both.
I pushed on through, had my 15 minute break and was back downstairs reducing again. It took me so long to warm up. I was in the warmer part of the shop but my feet where still blocks of ice and it was just making me more annoyed.
After work I went to play tennis. I was soooo hungry but didn't have time for any lunch so had a bag of crisps (salt and vinegar French Fries if you were wondering). I was playing tennis with three guys, and it was such hard work. They were all hitting the ball really hard and I could barely hit the damn thing. It was frustrating as I kept losing points because of bad serves and it just wound me up more and more. I was hot and sweaty, tired and hungry and my arms were aching. Then for the worst part of the day.
I smashed my iPhone screen.
I actually wanted to cry at this point. It's not that I can't live without my phone. It's more the hassle that comes with breaking it and having to pay to get it fixed. And the fact that I'm really busy this weekend so have pretty much no time to go and get it fixed added to my frustration. It kinda tipped me over the edge. I have never broken the screen of my phone before, so I took this personally. It's not even a little break- the whole right side of the screen is smashed and it's all cracked over to the left side.
To top off this rubbish day, I am horribly sunburnt.
How ridiculous does this look? It's bloody painful too.
I'm feeling super negative while writing this, so to perk up a bit, I'm going to list all the nice things that have happened today to remind myself that my life is actually okay.
1. My wonderful boyfriend woke up early to take me to work, even though he didn't have to.
2. He also picked me up.
3. Customers at work were actually quite nice to me. Working in East Croydon you meet a wide range of customers, but today I seemed to encounter the nicest of the bunch.
4. I had a nice time talking to my Auntie at work. She also brought me a nice pair of socks, which was good of her. She looks out for me.
5. I did some exercise today, and although my arms an my legs ache now, I did have fun.
5. I did some exercise today, and although my arms an my legs ache now, I did have fun.
6. I'm a lot better at tennis than I was when I first played a few weeks ago. Even though we still lost, I was quite proud of myself.
7. My good pal Laura came round in the evening and we had a long overdue catch up which was lovely (even if I did moan pretty much the entire time - soz Laura).
8. Dinner was great - good job Mum.
So my day wasn't all bad. I have to remember that things could always be worse, and that a broken screen can be fixed and sunburn goes away. Right now I am thanking the Lord that I have aftersun in the house.
*emoji that looks like two hands praising the Lord but is apparently a high five(?)*
I need to start looking at the positives more often and living life as a glass half full kinda gal.
But come on, this day was pretty rubbish, right?
Love, Becca xxx
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